The Les Brown Big Band Weekend is held at various venues throughout the Williams Valley High area. A link to the map of the high school’s location is below.
If you would like to contact the LBBBF committee chairman (Joel Guldin) with questions or suggestions there are these options:
Phone: 717-228-8513
The Unforgettable Big Band will be playing two shows at the Hershey Area Playhouse on April 1st and 2nd at 7:30pm. The shows will be a celebration of Bob Hope’s USO shows, featuring the music of Les Brown, Doris Day (who would have been 100 this year) and Tony Bennett, whose earliest performances were with the Band of Renown.
With the Les Brown Festival coming up on the weekend of April 23rd, I thought our shows might be a nice way to “warm up” for the 2022 festival. The details are posted on Facebook at the Hershey Area Playhouse page and Unforgettable Big Band pages.
We’d love it if you could share the event with your FB friends and your mailing list.
Hope you and everyone there are doing well.
Thank you.